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Postby trooper on Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:43 pm

so many like Lambo,



in Asia, we have a face culture,

if you have an unhappy contact with a manager of a car company, where you bought your car,

1.) you will destroy your car,
2.) you will destroy the life of the manager

(in this case, the manager should bring his family into the US, cause he need to know, they are in a safe place :roll: )

ok, back to 1.)

"A Chinese businessman has hired a group of labourers to publicly destroy his Lamborghini Gallardo with sledge hammers because he could not get it to run properly.

The man arranged for his car, which he bought secondhand, to be to be destroyed outside the construction business he operates in Qingdao, in east China's Shandong province.

He said he was unhappy with Lamborghini's maintenance service to his car — which retails for around $300,000 for a basic secondhand model — because it suffered engine problems one month after he bought it.".

:shock: :ugeek:

of course not a second hand car :D

sometimes, you should just change the color ;)



some will say,

its a problem,

go into a first class restaurant,

order a wine of 3.000 US $,

and say,

the wine is turned


There are a few things that can make a wine “bad” - aka faulty, tainted, or spoiled. The two most common predators of wine quality are cork taint (the wine's cork has been contaminated prior to bottling) and oxidation (the wine has come into contact with air for too long). Other reasons include maderization (spoilage due to heat) and refermentation (the wine undergoes a second fermentation). There are usually just two times a bottle should be sent back:

A wine that has been “corked” is a bottle of wine that has been contaminated by TCA, a bacteria that lives in cork. It does not have anything to do with little bits of floating cork. A cork with an excessive amount of TCA can transfer to the wine and spoil it. It should also be noted that even though the term “corked” refers to spoiled wine, inspecting or sniffing the cork won’t provide any additional information. Gotta break some news to you: we know you thought you looked cool doing it, but there’s no real value in sniffing a cork.
Oxidation is the most common culprit of wine spoilage, and occurs when the wine has been exposed to too much oxygen. This can happen with prolonged contact with air due to improper storage. Oxidation is usually what happens to those bottles you opened over the weekend and returned to on Wednesday to find they're not nearly as good. However, a newly opened bottle can also be oxidized.
This being said, there are a few unquestionable cues that will always let you know it’s time to toss or send back:

Wouldja Just Look At It:

1. The wine has lost its brightness and taken on a brown hue. A bottle of red wine that is unusually brownish in color signifies the wine is either old or tainted. If a bottle of white wine has turned a deeper yellow, it has likely been oxidized.

2. The cork is pushed out slightly from the bottle. This would be a sign the wine has overheated and probably expanded within the bottle.

Go On, Smell It:

3. If a wine smells like you found it in your grandmother’s basement (i.e. moldy, musty, like wet cardboard, or smelly dog) it's turned.

4. If it smells like sherry and isn’t sherry, it’s probably turned.

5. If your wine smells like you cooked raisins on the stovetop and then left them there for a few weeks, it’s probably bad. Overly stewed fruit or a heavy raisin smell are other wonky signals.

6. Burnt marshmallow bad, toasted marshmallow good.

7. If you detect a strong vinegar or sulfur smell like rotten eggs, it’s a no-go.

Taste It, If You Dare:

8. The bottle is spoiled if you detect astringent, vinegar-ish, or chemical-like flavors. Most likely you’ll get a whiff of this right before you take a sip.

9. If wine tastes flat, lifeless, and lacks familiar fruit, then it's most likely bad. Trust your instinct on this one. Wine that you find truly "boring" might be having more trouble than a simple personality flaw.

10. If you detect any sort of fizzy element (and it’s not a sparkling wine), this usually means the wine has gone through a second fermentation. However, not all secondary fermentation is on accident – ask if you’re unsure. Some winemakers add it intentionally, and some styles are naturally a bit effervescent, such as Vinho Verde.


It can be easy to confuse a wine that tastes different than you expected (e.g. it’s extremely tannic) with one that has actually gone bad. Some aged French wines like Burgundy can be extremely gamey and thus off-putting for drinkers inexperienced with wines of age from this region.

If you’re not sure, ask the waiter to taste the wine or have the sommelier taste it. If the wine is spoiled and was store-bought, take the bottle back so that the store manager can replace it and give your money back. Don't feel bad, they will return it to their distributor for a refund.
Corked Wine

http://www.thesavory.com/drink/9-signs- ... e-bad.html

The problem, the restaurant in that asian country will not accept your verdict,
unless you are a well known person.

You will make a terrible experience,
(a "manager" is coming to your table, drink a bit of the wine, and will tell you, the wine is fine.
After a short discussion, he will tell you, if you don`t pay the wine, he will call the police, to put you in prison, as long, as you don`t pay the wine. The discussion will get a little bit unfriendly or hostile ?)

... that will make you understand the reaction of the chinese businessman.


you learn,

money is nothing without power,

a person with money, but without power, is just a fruit.

Concerning of the Gallardo,

the question is, ;)

are you a satellite car owner, easy up and easy down,
are you a star-owner, being present for a long period of time.


all these online-poker pp.- criminels are not representing the real Gallardo spirit,
if you know, what I mean. 8-)
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Re: Gallardo

Postby ken77 on Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:50 pm

ascade effect
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Re: Gallardo

Postby sillver on Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:05 pm

sometimes, the driver is just a police man, doing his job

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/n ... amborghini

and sometimes, the car is just a tool :shock:

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Re: Gallardo

Postby 7/11 on Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:35 pm

but anice tool :lol:

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Re: Gallardo

Postby Alan88 on Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:24 pm

sillver wrote:

a very nice car
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Re: Gallardo

Postby FAST&F on Thu Aug 13, 2015 7:51 pm

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Re: Gallardo

Postby FAST&F on Tue Sep 15, 2015 10:32 pm

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