The best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell. The phrase "cool" is very relaxed, never goes out of style, and people will never laugh at you for using it, very conveniant for people like me who don't care about what's "in."
dogs are cool
the mona lisa is cool
jacob is cool
by whxtesxdes April 12, 2015 ... ol&page=29
I'm the best
I'm so cool more cool than you
by butt hole 1112890 June 02, 2015
so "cool" becomes un-cool, cause ppl say, its stinking.
O-over weighted
O-out of style
Man she is way to cool
by That nice chick February 18, 2015
old ppl. are talking
adj. used to describe something/someone down to earth, unique, rad, laid back, interesting. Generally used with relaxed tone. Not to be confused with the term "cool".
I went over Martin's house this weekend to eat pizza and listen to his cool Doors records. He even let me borrow his Seinfeld box set. Martin is pretty cool.
by TheGreatCornholio74 January 31, 2015
cool - the language of the Doors generation
The word was used too often,, --- in the US,
in Asia, or in Bkk, KL, SG,
you can say, - so cool ... hough_its/